10 Winter Flowering Bulbs

10 Winter Flowering Bulbs

Winter is a great time to enjoy nature. The cold weather brings out the beauty of nature. Your garden doesn’t have to look dull just because it is winter.

There are several types of plants that flower in the winter. These plants are known for their beautiful blooms.

In this article, we have put together our top 10 winter flowering bulbs that will add some color to your garden during those colder months. 

Snowdrops (Galanthus Nivalis)

Snowdrops (Galanthus Nivalis)

The snowdrops are a great choice for a flowering winter bulb. The small blooms that will bloom their white, delicate petals during late winter to early spring. 

These flowers will grow to around  3to 6 inches in height. Also, just like their name suggests, they will even bloom if there has been snowfall as well.

When it comes to planting these bulbs, you should plant them during the fall.

However, be warned, it can take a minimum of two years before you will start to see snowdrops blooming in your garden. 

Hyacinths (Hyacinthus)

Hyacinths (Hyacinthus)

The Hyacinth plant comes in a range of colors from cream, white, pink, purple, and blue. These are very sturdy plants with very strong and vibrant green foliage.

This strong foliage results in them being ideal for any garden that is exposed to strong winds. 

You should aim to plant these bulbs sometime in fall. They should then begin to bloom towards the end of winter and into the start of spring.

However, you should be careful when handling hyacinth bulbs.

This is because they contain oxalic acid, this is a known irritant, which can irritate skin if it makes contact.

Thus, it is advised to wear gloves when handling these bulbs. 

Winter Aconite (Eranthis Hyemalis)

Winter Aconite (Eranthis Hyemalis)

Winter Aconites are a very hardy flower, which are perfect for winter. They are known to be able to survive through frosts and really cold temperatures. 

If we are being specific, technically the aconites isn’t a bulb, it is actually a tuber.

Although, the tube contains all the nutrients it needs to help support the plant during the winter, in the same way that bulbs do. 

This plant will provide your garden with some vivid yellow blooms. Adding a lot of color on those gray winter days.

Crocus (Crocus Sativus)

Crocus (Crocus Sativus)

Crocus has always been a very popular bulb choice.

This is because their blooms are available in a range of colors such as blue, yellow, purple, orange, pink, and red. 

These flowers grow from corms that should be planted around fall time.

Then the crocus should bloom their beautiful colors during winter through to early spring.

Crocus are a popular winter bulb because they can grow well in full sun to partial shade, and they are resistant to frost. 

Daffodils (Narcissus Spp.)

Daffodils (Narcissus Spp.)

Everyone knows spring is on their way when they see the emergence of daffodils. These are very vibrant flowers that always bloom near the end of winter. 

You can grow these flowers in a variety of colors from cream, white, yellow, and orange.

Plant these bulbs during fall and in winter these flowers will make a bright appearance. 



The Anemone flower is loved for its bright and beautiful colored petals. This plan will add a pop of color to any winter garden. 

Each plant can provide around 20 flowers of vivid colors. They bloom throughout winter right into spring.

Thus, these bulbs produce a lot of flowers for you to enjoy. 

Cyclamen (Cyclamen Persicum)

Cyclamen (Cyclamen Persicum)

The Cyclamen plant can be grown from tubers or bulbs, the choice is yours.

A small plant which produces delicate purple, pink or white petals and circular-shaped leaves. 

These flowers can withstand harsh winter temperatures.

They are also known to flower during the coldest months, thus giving your garden some color when it needs it the most.

Although, beware because cyclamen plants are known to develop rot, so try to keep the leaves and base of the plant as dry as you can. 

Jonquils (Narcissus Spp.)

Jonquils (Narcissus Spp.)

If you like a fragrant flower, then the Jonquils plant may be ideal for you.

These flowers are related to the daffodils, and you can see that due to them having a similar appearance. 

Although, these flowers will bloom a lot earlier than daffodils, and you can enjoy these scented flowers from the middle of winter all the way into the middle of spring.

Try planting these flowers in groups around a tree or in full sunlight. 

Paperwhites (Narcissus Papyraceus)

Paperwhites (Narcissus Papyraceus)

Another flower that is part of the daffodil and jonquil family. Although, you can grow these flowers either outside or indoors. 

A scented flower, which produces beautiful pure white petals. Aim to plant these flowers in the late fall so that they can bloom near the end of the winter. 

Grape Hyacinths (Muscari)

Grape Hyacinths (Muscari)

Grape Hyacinths look just like a smaller version of a normal hyacinth plant. They are available in a variety of colors from pink, white, purple, and blue. 

It is best to grow these flowers in either partial shade or full sunlight.

However, spread them out as you are planting because they produce a large quantity of blooms for you to enjoy. 


That’s our top 10 winter flowering bulbs that we think you should consider planting in your garden.

Just planting a few of these bulbs will give your garden a pop of color during those colder months. 

We hope you have enjoyed this article, and given you some inspiration on what you should be planting in your garden next. 

Thank you for reading!

About The Author

Gina Harper grew up dreaming about farms and growing her own food. She began an urban garden to feed herself and turned it into an incredible hobby. Gina is here to teach you everything from raised beds to container gardening, how to keep plants alive and well in a smoggy city, and the works. It’s time that we carve our own piece of green earth and reap what we sow—she’s here to help you with that.