9 Beautiful Plants With Pink Leaves to Add to Your Garden

9 Beautiful Plants With Pink Leaves to Add to Your Garden

If you’re looking to buy a pink plant for your home, chances are you’ve been searching for plants with pink flowers. But there’s a wealth of plants that display gorgeous pink leaves, whether they’re pastel pink or bolder in color. So, what beautiful plants with pink leaves should you look for? 

Some of the most beautiful plants with pink leaves include the arrowhead plant, whose leaves are almost completely pink and wrinkly, and the caladium pink symphony, which has pale pink leaves with green veins.

In this article, we’ll explore nine of the best plants with pink leaves. We’ll break down what makes them so striking, as well as provide advice on how to care for them so that their leaves look their best.

Why Do Some Plants Have Pink Leaves?

Some plants have pink leaves because they contain pigments called anthocyanins. These pigments absorb green, blue, and green-blue light.

The light that gets reflected by the plant leaves, which contain anthocyanins, might look reddish-pink as a result. 

Do Pink-leaved Plants Change Leaf Color?

Do Pink-leaved Plants Change Leaf Color?

Pink-leaved plants can sometimes change their leaf color to green. This occurs as a result of the plants not getting enough sunlight, so it’s common in plants that need a lot of sunlight every day. If your plant doesn’t get enough light, it might also experience color fading. 

9 Beautiful Plants With Pink Leaves

Although pink plants contain pigments, it’s quite rare to find plants that have pink leaves. Let’s explore nine of the most unusual and beautiful ones. 

1. Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium Podophyllum) 

Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium Podophyllum) 

This house plant boasts pale pink leaves that are arrow-shaped and look a bit crinkly. Sometimes, the leaves have a bit of green on them, but don’t worry! If you want a variety that has more pink on its leaves, make sure you choose the ‘pink’ cultivar.

Keep this pink plant in a place in the home where it will get a lot of indirect light. Water it once a week during the hot months and every second week in the winter. 

However, make sure you mist your arrowhead plant regularly, as it needs humidity levels that are around 40%. 

If you’re interested in pink arrowhead plants, there are also other varieties that will meet your requirements, such as the Syngonium Neon Robusta, which comes in a bright pastel pink that looks like a highlighter color.

2. Cordyline (Cordyline) 

Cordyline (Cordyline) 

Cordyline has variegated leaves with pink or white edges. Best grown outside, cordyline should be planted in the garden. But, if your only option is to keep it in the home, it can tolerate being a houseplant.

Pink leaves aside, what makes cordyline even more beautiful is that it produces berries and flowers, and it can grow up to a height of about three feet (0.9 m). You’ll love that it’s easy to look after—it can tolerate sunny and partial-shade conditions and can handle drought conditions. 

One of the best cordyline plants to purchase if you want bright pink leaves is Electric Pink. It has neon pink edges on its leaves that become bolder when the plant is placed in partial shade. 

3. Coral Bells (Heuchera) 

Coral Bells (Heuchera) 

This is a perennial plant that has lobed leaves that come in a variety of colors, such as bold pink, although sometimes they can look coral. It grows to a height of three feet (0.9 m) and can grow in shady or sunny areas of the garden. 

When watering your heuchera, make sure you keep its soil well-draining and moist but don’t let it become soggy. 

The best variety for stunning pink leaves is Heuchera ‘Pink Pearls.’ Its pink leaves flaunt pale pink blossoms in the summer months, as RHS reports.

Since it’s a clump-forming plant, it looks best when grown in containers or flower beds and when used as garden edging to create visual appeal. 

4. Calico Kitten (Crassula Pellucida Variegata) 

Calico Kitten (Crassula Pellucida Variegata) 

This plant has small heart-shaped leaves that come in various shades, such as pink and cream. If the plant is neglected and becomes dry, its leaves can change to dark pink and even dark purple.

That said, you should be careful when giving your Calico Kitten plant water. When kept indoors, your plant should only be watered when its leaves start to droop or look shriveled. 

Since this unusual plant loves to trail and cascade, it looks beautiful when kept in hanging containers and baskets. If you want to learn more about other rare houseplants, you should read our guide, 9 Rare And Unique Houseplants To Add To Your Home In 2023

5. Perle Von Nurnberg (Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg)

Perle Von Nurnberg (Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg) 

This succulent with fleshy leaves and pointy tips looks like a rosette and is pretty enough to rival the flowers in your garden. When kept in a sunny spot, such as on a patio or indoors, its gray-green leaves turn purple and pink.

It also blooms pink flowers during the hot months of summer. While it doesn’t need fertilizer, it does need fast-draining soil to keep it looking its best. 

One of the most important tips to follow when caring for your plant is to remove any dead leaves from around the bottom of the plant, as these can attract pests, such as mealy bugs. 

6. Caladium Pink Symphony (Caladium Bicolor)

Caladium Pink Symphony (Caladium Bicolor)

This plant has delicate, unusual leaves that are pastel pink in color with thin green veining. The leaves are large and arrow-shaped and come in colors besides pink, such as white or red. If you’re looking for plants with red leaves, you should read our guide, 10 Houseplants With Red Leaves.

Pink Symphony is a tropical plant, so make sure you keep it in an area of the garden or home where it receives bright, indirect light. You should also give it about 50% humidity. You can do this by placing a pebble tray with pebbles and water underneath the plant pot to keep your gorgeous pink plant hydrated. 

7. Pink Polka Dot (Hypoestes Phyllostachya)

Pink Polka Dot (Hypoestes Phyllostachya)

This plant boasts variegated leaves that are green with splotches of pink that look like someone splashed paint on it. If you want the plant to be as pink as possible, you can find some variations of the plant that have pink leaves with green spots on them. 

This is one of the best plants to own if you want plants with lots of color on them. You should also read our guide, 10 Colorful Houseplants To Brighten Up Your Home.

This stunning pink plant needs to be planted in well-draining, moist soil. It wants neutral or slightly acidic soil. But, although it’s variegated, it only wants partial sun so that its leaves don’t get scorched by the harsh rays. 

8. Begonia Rex ‘Inca Fire’

Begonia Rex ‘Inca Fire’

This begonia plant has large pink leaves that are heart-shaped. Its pink color becomes darker, almost purple, in the right lighting. This begonia plant grows to between 12 and 18 inches (30.48–46 cm), so it’s great for small spaces in the home that need brightening up.

Begonia inca flame wants to be in an area that gets bright but indirect light. Don’t keep it in full sun in an attempt to keep it looking bright and pink, as this will harm the leaves.

Begonia plants are sensitive to tap water chemicals, so water it with distilled water. Before watering, let the soil dry out about an inch (2.54 cm) below the surface so that you don’t give it too much water. Begonias love humidity, so put them on a pebble tray or use a humidifier. 

9. Variegated Pink Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum)

Variegated Pink Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum)

Although it’s rare to find plants that have completely pink leaves, this one comes pretty close because its long leaves are deep pink in color, with subtle touches of green and sometimes other colors too.

To keep it colorful, it needs to be in an area that gets bright, indirect light. Wipe away dust from its leaves regularly, as this can form a film that prevents light from reaching the plant.

Variegated pink croton originates from regions such as Australia and Malaysia. It wants bright light, warmth, and humidity. But, whenever you handle the plant, make sure that you wear gloves because every part of this plant is toxic. 

Other care tips include making sure its soil is moist without being soggy. When the temperatures start to take a dive, let the top few inches  (approx. 6–7 cm) of its soil dry out before you top up its water. 


If you’re looking for plants that display gorgeous pink leaves, there are many options at your disposal—and not all of the pink-leafed plants contain green or other colors on them. Some of the most beautiful pink plants include variegated pink croton, pink polka dot, and cordyline. 

About The Author

Gina Harper grew up dreaming about farms and growing her own food. She began an urban garden to feed herself and turned it into an incredible hobby. Gina is here to teach you everything from raised beds to container gardening, how to keep plants alive and well in a smoggy city, and the works. It’s time that we carve our own piece of green earth and reap what we sow—she’s here to help you with that.