10 Houseplants With Red Leaves

10 Houseplants With Red Leaves

If red is your favorite color, or if the color red ties in really nicely with the theme of your interior decor, a houseplant that sports red leaves might suit you quite nicely. 

Whilst we might be focusing on the color red, it might surprise you to find out how many species of plant have red leaves of some kind – variations in hue, vibrancy, and pattern, as well as species, mean that some red-leafed plants look completely different from others. 

We’ll get into some of the best examples below. 

10 Houseplants With Red Leaves


American Plant Exchange Stromanthe Tricolor Easy Care Live Prayer Plant, 6" Pot, Green

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The beautiful tricolor stromanthe plant features green and white leaves with deep, pink-red colored undersides.

This plant brings a pop of color, and it’s easy to care for, too!

Make sure to provide your stromanthe with plenty of bright, indirect light, and avoid any direct sunlight as this may burn its leaves. Stromanthe prefer to be watered around once a week, and enjoy an environment with high humidity. 

American Plant Exchange Stromanthe Tricolor Easy Care Live Prayer Plant, 6" Pot, Green
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09/11/2024 07:04 pm GMT


AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Petra Croton Live Plant, 3 Gallon, Greenish Yellow/Red

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The croton is a gorgeous houseplant, which also goes by the name of “Joseph’s Coat”. This nickname alludes to the wide range of colors, as well color combinations, that this plant comes in, meaning that you can find one to fit your specific interior needs with ease.

The croton plant benefits from watering little and often, a humid environment, and a good amount of sunlight, as it’s sunlight that helps the leaves to stay so vibrant.

AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Petra Croton Live Plant, 3 Gallon, Greenish Yellow/Red
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09/11/2024 07:00 pm GMT

Red Star Dracaena

Red Star Hawaiian Ti Plant - Cordyline - Swordlike Leaves -2.5" Pot- Indoors/Out

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The red star dracaena sports long, shard-like leaves that are dark-red in color with a striking appearance.

This plant can grow up to ten feet tall. This plant would look amazing in the corner of a spacious room, but can also be kept outside. 

These plants like bright, indirect light, a warm, humid environment, and regular watering, provided the soil is allowed to dry slightly in between to prevent overwatering. 

Red Star Hawaiian Ti Plant - Cordyline - Swordlike Leaves -2.5" Pot- Indoors/Out
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Begonia rex 

American Plant Exchange Rex Begonia Assorted Growers Choice Live Plant, 4" Pot, Multicolor

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The begonia rex, also known as the king begonia, is a perennial, with leaves that can come in a variety of colors – including a stunning red. 

Begonia rex plants have large, variegated leaves (when a leaf has more than one color), so there is a huge range of colors to choose from when selecting a begonia rex for your home. 

These plants prefer to be in bright rooms, (provided that they don’t receive any direct light, as this can scorch their leaves), and warm, humid environments. 

To water, make sure to check that the soil is slightly dry to avoid overwatering, and you’re good to go. 


Outsidepride Coleus Wizard Velvet Red Indoor or Outdoor House or Container Plant Seed - 100 Seeds

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Coleus is another houseplant that comes in a stunning shade of red. 

This variety of houseplant features beautiful variegated leaves that can range in color – some with more of a wash of red, others with a bright border of another color. 

If given a sunny or partly shaded spot in the home, their leaves will stay their most vibrant. Coleus plants prefer moist, well-draining soil, so wait for the soil to dry slightly before watering – but don’t let it get too dry. Keeping your coleus plant in the kitchen or the bathroom will help you to achieve the warm, humid environment that a coleus plant thrives in.

Outsidepride Coleus Wizard Velvet Red Indoor or Outdoor House or Container Plant Seed - 100 Seeds
$7.49 ($0.07 / Count)
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10/02/2024 11:09 pm GMT

Nerve Plant 

Hirts: House Plants Red Veined Nerve Plant

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It’s clear where the nerve plant gets its name – the nerve plant is adorned with green leaves, featuring colored ‘veining’ that might remind you of nerves. Nerve plants come in a variety of colors, including red – and this variety has a striking appearance, in particular. One of these unique plants would make a beautiful centerpiece.

Nerve plants can be fussy around their watering requirements – not enough water will leave them dehydrated, and too much water can lead to root rot and fungal problems. 

They prefer high humidity environments and do really well when kept in a terrarium.

Hirts: House Plants Red Veined Nerve Plant
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10/01/2024 09:50 pm GMT

Polka Dot Plant

Red Polka Dot Plant - 3'' from California Tropicals

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The polka dot plant is another beautiful plant with variegated leaves, mainly green with speckles of colors ranging from white to lilac, to red. 

The polka dot plant can grow up to two and a half feet high, as well as wide, so you really can completely transform a space with this gorgeous plant. 

Polka dot plants really enjoy their warm, humid environments, but they also enjoy the shade, which makes them perfect houseplants. 

Red Polka Dot Plant - 3'' from California Tropicals
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10/02/2024 11:29 pm GMT


Van Zyverden Fancy Leaf Flash Caladiums Bulbs (Set of 6), Red

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The caladium plant, which can sometimes be referred to as ‘elephant ear’, has large, variegated leaves that can appear in a range of vibrant colors – including a beautiful, deep, red. 

Caladiums can come in a range of different variations of red – some have red bases with dark veining, whereas others have green bases with red veining.

Caladium plants can burn when subjected to direct sunlight, so bright, indirect light is much better. They enjoy being watered little and often to ensure that their soil stays moist, and warm, humid environments with consistent temperatures. 

Van Zyverden Fancy Leaf Flash Caladiums Bulbs (Set of 6), Red
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Peperomia Caperata

Peperomia caperata 'Rosso'

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This houseplant comes in a great range of colors, as well as patterns – including a beautiful, red shade. Some peperomias may feature red undersides, whereas others have deep purple-red coloring all over – the color combinations are vast, making them perfect for your home.

Peperomia can be relied on to handle low-light environments, making it brilliant as a houseplant. It enjoys high humidity, meaning that hanging it in your bathroom, near your shower, can help this plant to thrive. 

Ensure to check the soil of your peperomia before watering, as the humidity of your bathroom may mean that the soil takes longer to dry out, causing overwatering if you aren’t careful. 

Peperomia caperata 'Rosso'
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Outsidepride Perennial Coral Bells Heuchera Palace Purple Garden Flower & Foliage Plant - 2000 Seeds

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Heuchera plants, also known as coral bells, are another plant species that come in a vast array of colors, including some stunning, deep, red-purple shades. 

Heuchera plants have thin, papery edges that can curl inwards slightly, and look gorgeous when displayed on a windowsill. 

Heuchera enjoy moist, well-draining soil, and darker colors of heuchera can tolerate more sunlight than lighter colors. Watering your heuchera plant at least once a week, and ensuring that its soil is still moist underneath, will help you to maintain your heuchera’s hydration. 

Outsidepride Perennial Coral Bells Heuchera Palace Purple Garden Flower & Foliage Plant - 2000 Seeds
$7.49 ($0.00 / Count)
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10/02/2024 11:15 pm GMT


Houseplants provide a much-needed pop of life and color to any space, and finding a houseplant that incorporates nicely into your home decor is important. 

Hopefully, our list of 10 Houseplants With Red Leaves has helped you to narrow down your search. 

Meet the water, humidity, and light requirements of these red-leafed houseplants, and we’re certain these vibrant plants will thrive within your space.

About The Author

Gina Harper grew up dreaming about farms and growing her own food. She began an urban garden to feed herself and turned it into an incredible hobby. Gina is here to teach you everything from raised beds to container gardening, how to keep plants alive and well in a smoggy city, and the works. It’s time that we carve our own piece of green earth and reap what we sow—she’s here to help you with that.